
Why choose us?

The performance of Arkhineo's EAS

picto de guillemet

Unique commitments

Arkhineo makes contractual commitments (performance obligation) on the documents entrusted to it.


Arkhineo guarantees long-term legibility and compliance with regulatory requirements for the entire document retention period (10, 20, 30 years, etc.).


Arkhineo guarantees the complete integrity of the electronic documents entrusted to it for the entire retention period. A document will never be lost, falsified or tampered with.


At any time, you can have all the documents entrusted to you and the associated evidence returned to you in a variety of formats.


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Legibility over time

picto d'un maillet démontrant la valeur légale.

Probative value

picto d'un dossier cadenassé


picto d'une medaille


picto d'un dossier sécurisé

Access rights policy

picto d'un main qui valide les réglage

No risk of loss/destruction

picto d'un ordinateur avec un chronomètre

Immediate access

picto d'une tirelire

No material investment required

picto illustrant le service support

Maintenance support included

picto d'un sceau


picto illustrant un système d'information

Integrated into the IS

picto d'un graphique illustrant le relevé de consommation

Pay-as-you-go billing