Arkhineo offers additional options to meet specific needs.
Arkhineo offers an additional layer of security for its EAS. This consists of a data encryption solution that is completely transparent to the user. Cryptoneo has been designed to protect archives in the event of “data leakage” or unauthorised access.

Encryption and decryption are carried out “on the fly”, i.e. when your archives are uploaded and viewed, as well as when they are returned.
The encryption process relies on asymmetric key encryption and symmetric data encryption using the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm in CBC mode. Each archive is encrypted with its own symmetrical key.
Encryption is performed continuously on Arkhineo’s Archiving platform without interruption and without human intervention. Document decryption is performed by the Cryptoneo encryption centre.
You can use your own keys.
Enabling encryption
You can enable encryption in all spaces or select specific strong rooms, sections and compartments.
This option is available on all types of access to the service.
Validation & Preservation of electronic signatures
If you use electronic signature tools, Arkhineo can offer an additional layer of security.
Signature validation
The electronic certificates associated with electronic signatures are valid for a maximum of three years. To get around this difficulty, the eIDAS Regulation introduced a trust service for validating qualified electronic signatures operated by duly qualified service providers.
Arkhineo, in its capacity as an eIDAS Qualified Trusted Service Provider, validates the signature associated with the archived document to ensure (prior to uploading) that the electronic signature (or stamp) was valid at the time it was affixed.

Signature preservation
Over time, the probability that the cryptographic algorithms used in electronic signatures may be compromised or “hacked” increases significantly.
To address the issue of the obsolescence of these algorithms, eIDAS introduced a specific trust service dedicated to the preservation of qualified electronic signatures operated by authorised service providers.
Signature preservation involves “over-signing” a document (think Russian doll!) using a newer and more robust algorithm that prevents third parties from compromising the signed document. As a Qualified Trusted Service Provider, Arkhineo ensures the preservation of electronic signatures.
Preparation of Uploads
Preparation of uploads is an archiving function available in MyArkhineo.
This option allows you to upload several archive packages to the portal and to “qualify” the documents in these “packages”, i.e. to define the retention period, metadata and so on, and upload them to the EAS following validation.

This feature allows you to:
High volumes
Upload large volumes of documents from your information system so they can be analysed and processed by the relevant people.
Multiple interventions
Involve several users/departments in charge of managing the various processing and/or validation stages (accepting or rejecting, defining metadata, retention time, unbundling files in a container, etc.).
This option is available on MyArkhineo.