Our Web API allows you to connect your business applications (CRM, ERP, DMS, etc.) to our Electronic Archiving Service (EAS), and upload and view your archives without having to acquire a new tool.

Your IT teams can create an uploading and viewing interface between your business applications and Arkhineo’s EAS.
Uploading & Viewing
- Uploading
- Viewing
After integrating our WebAPI, your documents are uploaded to our platform automatically from your application – no manual procedure necessary.
Each time a document is sent to our EAS, we archive:
– the original file
– the XML file containing the document’s associated metadata
For more information about the archiving process, please click here.
Viewing your documents on our platform is done automatically from your business application and does not require knowledge of any dedicated viewing tool.
In viewing mode, you can access any of your archived documents and evidence.
This is a RESTful WebAPI using HTTPS protocol. Arkhineo will provide your IT teams with the documentation necessary for modifying your business applications‘ user interface thus allowing calls to Arkhineo’s EAS to be performed directly from your business applications.
In addition to the API, you have access to the MyArkhineo viewing portal.

Viewing portal
Three users can access the MyArkhineo viewing portal.

MyArkhineo can be used for control, auditing and traceability purposes (life cycle log).

The portal allows you to create statistics about your archived documents.
API benefits

Easy to use
- Cohabits with your existing systems
- Can be integrated with all SaaS solutions and most software
- Fully automated
- No manual input or intervention required
- Single interface for uploads and viewing

- 24/7 accessibility
- No change to users' working habits
- Suitable for large volumes of data and queries
- Allows you to manage your archiving policies internally

- Guarantees the long-term integrity of all your business documents (contracts, customer files, etc.)
- Allows you to control access rights policies for archives (retention periods, user rights, traceability etc.)
- Produces archiving certificates containing all the associated evidence (specific date, fingerprints, seals, etc.)