EAS Mechanism
Arkhineo’s service guarantee the integrity of your documents thanks to a unique process that is applied when your archives are uploaded. Below are the steps taken by an archive, i.e. from when it is uploaded to confirmation of its arrival in our Data Centres.
1. Validation at time of deposit
Validation at time of deposit 25%
Construction of archive 50%
Archive sealing 75%
End of deposit process 100%
First, we check that the mandatory metadata has been correctly defined to ensure that the document can be properly identified and retrieved. The document’s format and size are also checked to ensure that it remains legible over time.
2. Construction of archive
Validation at time of deposit 25%
Construction of archive 50%
Archive sealing 75%
End of deposit process 100%
We then assign a specific date to the document, as well as giving it a Unique Archive Identifier (UAI).
3. Archive sealing
Validation at time of deposit 25%
Construction of archive 50%
Archive sealing 75%
End of deposit process 100%
This renders the archive non-modifiable and logs all the actions performed on the document.
4. End of deposit process

Validation at time of deposit 25%
Construction of archive 50%
Archive sealing 75%
End of deposit process 100%
The document is simultaneously written onto four different mediums located on two remote sites resulting in four original archives.
Archived documents are accessible online 24/7.
Thanks to Arkhineo, integrity is always guaranteed: the digital fingerprint sealed in the archive is checked each time the archive is viewed thus ensuring that the presented archive object is identical to the one uploaded.
Arkhineo provides evidence for each archived document. At any moment, you can access the archived file in XML format, the certificate of conformity, the archive life cycle log, etc.