
Our certifications and agreements
Electronic archiving is governed by a range of laws and standards.

SIAF authorisation
In France, the outsourcing of standard and intermediate public-sector archives has been lawful since 2008 on condition that administrations and local authorities use a SIAF-approved third-party provider.
Arkhineo has obtained SIAF authorisation.

NF 461
In France, the standard covering specifications for the design and operation of Electronic Archiving Systems is NF Z42- 013.
This French standard has been transposed into the international standard: ISO 14641-1.
NF461 certification meets both standards and can be issued to entities that meet all the specifications.
Arkhineo is NF461 certified.

In France, the storage of personal health data is subject to an additional condition.
Only entities that have obtained HDS (Health Data Hosting) authorisation can host this type of data and/or archive documents containing it.
Arkhineo has obtained HDS authorisation.

ISO 27001
This is the international standard setting out the requirements for information security management systems.
Arkhineo holds ISO 27001 certification.

The eIDAS Regulation establishes a common framework in the European Union for secure electronic transactions between citizens, businesses and public authorities.
Arkhineo holds dual eIDAS authorisation for the validation and preservation of qualified electronic signatures and seals.
The Arkhineo solution is valid and recognized throughout the European Union.

SOC 2 & 3
The SOC 2 & 3 reports relate to security, availability, processing integrity, privacy and data protection.
Arkhineo has been audited by an AICPA member firm.
This audit procedure enables our clients and partners to be confident that Arkhineo securely manages the documents entrusted to it.

Arkhineo’s platform has been designed in accordance with the “Privacy by Design” approach in order to guarantee compliance with the constraints incumbent upon it with regard to the protection of personal data contained in the documents entrusted to it by its clients (data controllers).
NB: There is no “official” certification at present.

France Cybersecurity
Arkhineo has obtained the France Cybersecurity label for its electronic data archiving solution with probative value, as well as for its signature validation and preservation service.

Logitas is a third-party software repository. Each year, Arkhineo deposits all of its EAS’ sources and documentation with this third-party provider. The repository is organised by Logitas in such a way as to ensure that all software components of the EAS can be recompiled from the sources and dependencies deposited with Logitas without any further external dependencies. This guarantees the solution’s longevity.